Medical Simulation

The education and training of doctors and nursing staff is highly expensive. There is a shift towards the use of simulation as a less expensive alternative to "live" training with patients. Similar to the move towards simulation in Flight training over 50 years ago there are legislative and environmental hurdles to overcome.

Aviation / Flight Simulation

Civil, Commercial or Military aviators of both fixed wing and rotary aircraft use part task and Full Flight Simulators as a method to train and evaluate pilots, cabin crew and maintainers. Competency and evidence based training will be delivered via new methods such as e-learning and mobile delivery with the aim of optimum safety for passengers.


Whether it is live, virtual or constructive training the Military has pioneered the use of Simulation as a means of reducing risk for our servicemen and women. The use of simulation is recognized as an effective training and assessment tool and will continue to be used as advances in technology improve fidelity.


Risk reduction and mitigation is a key driving factor behind the use of simulation to train and educate those involved in energy production. From Nuclear Power, to Oil refineries, Coal to Natural gas production simulation is rapidly being adopted as a cost effective method to reduce risk and save lives.


The digital age is affecting all aspects of Academia and the push towards on-demand education has academia looking toward simulation to lead the change. Lessons learned in producing realistic flight training influence classroom, mobile and e-learning in healthcare, languages and social sciences.

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